Ultramet diffuses highly corrosion-resistant tantalum into the surface of conventional stainless steels and nickel-based superalloys to dramatically improve resistance to acid corrosion, particularly nitric acid. Applications include valve components and piping used for the transfer of acids and other corrosive liquids.
SEM image (polished cross-section) of 2-µm tantalum diffusion coating applied to a nickel alloy substrate showing excellent conformity of coating to surface finish and minimal porosity (4000×)
Example of tantalum diffusion coating on superalloy A-286
The diffusion coating process itself requires no costly equipment, is readily scalable to large batches, is rapid (deposition times of <1 hour), and is economical because little tantalum is required. Ultramet developed this process under NASA funding to protect space shuttle propellant valves.
The tantalum diffusion coating significantly enhances the corrosion resistance and lifetime of chromium-coated components. Tantalum fills the microcracks that inevitably exist in chromium coatings and prevents corrosive liquids from reaching the component surface.
Learn more about tantalum and corrosion protection at Ultramet CPT.